Creative graphic design is in our DNA. Demz Digital has been established for over 3 years, and is proud to have a team of award-winning graphic designers working on your brief to create something stunning, modern and memorable. Our team is based in Dubai but we work with clients all over the world.
Your logo design should never be entirely style. Your logo’s design should convey your business’s core values. Instantly the consumer should understand who you are solely through your logo design. This is why the logo holds its importance as it is the face of your business and the exclamation mark for every value your company has. The logo design also influences the aesthetic of other aspects, such as web design and marketing materials. Our logo design team in Leicester will ensure that your brand’s graphic design is stylistic and fundamentally communicates what your business is. At Demz Digital, we are eager to create that conversation for you.
We all know at least one brand purely through its logo, and perhaps even a brand only through its choice of consistent colour use; just through that alone, it is understandable how your logo design builds brand loyalty and piques consumers’ interest in what your business provides.
Did you know? It takes a person seven seconds to form a first opinion on your brand and a further five to seven more viewings to build awareness of your brand identity. Your logo needs to be seen, but not only that, your logo must convey the ideal connotations to evoke your desired first opinion. You need to be smart with your graphic design choices. S.M.A.R.T: Simple, Memorable, Ageless, Reliable and Thoughtful; and at Demz Digital this is part of our DNA.
Our logo design team will pick, shape and refine your bespoke logo from a simple logo design package to a responsive version for mobile and your company’s social media. Whether your brand identity is looking for a refresh or if you’re offering Demz Digital the opportunity to start from scratch, we will make sure your logo is your company’s bespoke exclamation mark literally!